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Jowett Jardine Golangco, MD, FPCP

Jowett Jardine Golangco, MD, FPCP image

A graduate of the fellowship training program in Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism at Makati Medical Center with specialty training in thyroid disorder, adrenals, diabetes, osteoporosis, pituitary and metabolism diseases.

How to Combat the Symptoms of Low Testosterone

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Most symptoms of lower testosterone in men can be dealt with simply, but also naturally. The majority of symptoms stem from the same root problems physically, so the treatments have some common ways to deal with them. These dovetailing ways to combat symptoms of lower testosterone, don’t give anyone a reason to not monitor your symptoms seriously. Some symptoms should be watched carefully, so that other possible causes can be eliminated as the source. Loss of Body Hair When testosterone levels decline in males, a frequent symptom is a loss of body hair and overall hair growth. This is primarily » » » [Read more]

Say No to the Common Cold

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The Common Cold is a mild viral infection of the nose, throat, sinuses, and upper airways caused by several distinct families of viruses such as the Coronavirus and Rhinovirus. An average adult may expect to get a cold approximately 2 – 4 times a year, while children may expect to get colds 3 – 8 times a year. Most colds last for 4 – 5 days, and while no cure is available for the common cold, over-the-counter medications may help reduce or eliminate your cold symptoms. Symptoms Colds result from a viral inflammation of the upper respiratory tract (nose to » » » [Read more]

The importance of managing diabetes effectively as you age

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Managing diabetes effectively as you get older is essential if you hope to retain good quality of life in retirement. It is a serious disease that if ignored can lead to dangerous health problems, but when you take control and lead a healthy, sensible lifestyle you can minimize the disease’s impact and live life to the full. Diabetes can impact most systems in the body and even accelerate the ageing process if it isn’t kept in check. Here are some easy but important ways to make small changes to your daily routine for a healthy and happy life as you » » » [Read more]

10 Tips To Improving Your Overall Health

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It is no mystery eating right and exercising have positive effects on our health. Many of us are perfectly aware of what we are supposed to do, and yet for the majority of the population we seem to keep falling short. As the diagnoses of diseases such as diabetes, heart disease and cancer are on the rise, it is time the culture takes a shift to a better way of life. Can what we eat reduce our risk for such diseases? There are certainly skeptics in the world that will tell you that you cannot avoid or cure diagnoses such » » » [Read more]

What NOT To Eat For A Healthy Skin

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While gorging on our favorite foods and regular meals, we often tend to include only those foods which pamper our taste buds and make us feel comfortable. However, little do we realize that our daily diet might include some of the foods that are actually silent killers of good health and are notorious in robbing off the youth and beauty quotient of our skin. Now before you start scratching your heads or lose sleep over identifying these items, have a look at the foods mentioned below, which should be consumed only in moderation in order to prevent them from harming » » » [Read more]

Top Medical Tech Innovations in 2013

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It is great to know that this year marked considerable innovations in technology. The health industry became a recipient of great strides in technology. The exciting innovations will ultimately drive health care into a new era, a new level if you may. Surely the erstwhile slow-paced technology has become more agile and flexible and it will improve how we get fit and consult our doctors tomorrow. Electronic aspirin We have heard about electronic cigarettes and how it can replace real cigarettes for a cheaper price and provide safer and healthier alternative to smoking. But have you heard about electronic aspirin? » » » [Read more]

Manage Your Stress: Know the Warning Signs and Find Out How to Cope

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The Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) brought the subject of “killer stress” into international news when it aired “Killer Stress – A National Geographic Special with Robert Sapolsky.” Sapolsky, a Stanford University neurobiologist, highlighted his groundbreaking work on the effects of stress on both human and primate health, and his findings were grim. Stress and Human Biology Stress is hard-wired into the human biology as part of the survival instinct. Perhaps best known as the “fight or flight syndrome,” stress in earlier periods of human evolution helped early humans identify predators and escape before becoming someone’s lunch. But today this same » » » [Read more]

A Healthy Mouth Leads To a Healthy Heart

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In the United Kingdom alone, statistics estimate that almost fifty percent of the whole population has some kind of gum disease. Given the economic standing of UK amongst the most powerful countries all over the world, it makes it highly possible that a bigger number of people in other countries suffer from gum disease. Still, why are we talking about that? Well, for starters, recent research suggests that there is some sort of association between periodontal – gum and teeth – disease and heart problems – coronary heart disease, which, by the way, is a chronic disease in the UK » » » [Read more]

Eat Healthy Foods To Stay Healthy

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If you are looking to lead a healthy lifestyle in this modern world, then it is vital for you to maintain a very healthy diet along with some physical exercise. This is the most common thing that is being said by most people, but only a handful of people heed to such theories. The end result is that many of the people we see around us are either overweight or obese. If you also fall in this category, then it is high time that you gave a serious thought to a healthy body and mind in order to boost your lifespan. Eating healthy meals and healthy food is a sure shot way to your physical well being.