How To Plan For Respiratory Health In 2024 [Infographic]

It’s undeniable that we live in a time of better health for many people on planet Earth. Overall bodies like the World Health Organization, are continually improving health promotion standards and there are widespread health education initiatives. Undeniably we understand that, as per the Chuck Pagano quote, “If you don’t have your health, you don’t have anything”. Crucially, with every passing year, we’re making major strides in health prevention, research, and longevity.

Nevertheless, the coronavirus pandemic demonstrated that respiratory diseases take an extraordinary toll on individual people and communities. Whether it’s communicable diseases like COVID-19 or secondary illnesses like depression and heart disease, these health problems are serious.

Therefore we can all benefit from considering our respiratory systems as crucially important alongside all other health areas.

10 reasons why respiratory health is important to our wellbeing

1. We need it to stay alive
Our respiratory system delivers two non-negotiable bodily processes: inhaling air to oxygenate the body and exhaling waste gases.

2. It’s a line of health defense
The lungs and airways can stop dangerous bacteria from getting into our bodies and making us sick.

3. Respiratory illness recovery takes a long time
Because upper and lower respiratory illnesses can seriously affect our body, recovery can take weeks and even months. Moreover, some people develop secondary health problems from coughing and other symptomatic issues.

4. Respiratory diseases are widespread and put pressure on communities, services, and industries
When people are sick with preventative respiratory diseases, they may require critical and specialist care. Thus there may be trauma to loved ones and frontline workers. At the same time, there are associated challenges such as workforce disruption or the reallocation of resources from other patients.

5. Illness risk applies to all people irrespective of gender, age, and hereditary factors
Respiratory diseases don’t just affect one group of people who have a predisposition or rising risk with age. Anyone can become ill so prevention for optimal well-being is a vital part of health promotion.

6. Lungs are the only internal organ regularly exposed to foreign pollutants, agents, and threats
This biological reality means we must all take steps to minimize any avoidable respiratory system damage.

7. Environmental exposure puts our bodies at risk
At present, there are increasing issues worldwide with air quality, pollution, and environmental factors such as fires and dust storms. These can all damage and intensify issues with our respiratory systems.

8. Some respiratory damage is permanent
Although the respiratory system can recover from damage, there is no guarantee this will happen and diseases can still arise.

9. Actions we make can impact other people’s respiratory health
Secondhand smoke is highly dangerous and in the U.S. alone, it results in around 7,300 lung cancer deaths annually.

10. We can take proactive steps for our respiratory health
There are many ways people can take affirmative action to minimize unnecessary damage to their respiratory system and protect others. Then this can move the needle towards reducing respiratory diseases that are preventable.

12 strategies for taking care of respiratory health

Above all, it’s essential that people have accurate and helpful information that they can use to make empowered health decisions. Accordingly, this infographic guide from Study Medicine Europe is designed to support self-education and proactive steps for respiratory well-being. Check out “How To Plan For Respiratory Health In 2024” with 12 daily strategies for health, statistics, and expert insights. Here’s to better respiratory health this year and beyond!

How To Plan For Respiratory Health In 2024 [Infographic]

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