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Kristine Denise S. Corvera, MD

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Dr. Kristine Denise Corvera is an Internal Medicine – Endocrinology specialist treating conditions such as Diabetes, Goiter/Thyroid disease, Osteoporosis, lipid, cholesterol, and blood pressure disorders, and other hormone abnormalities.

Jowett Jardine Golangco, MD, FPCP

Jowett Jardine Golangco, MD, FPCP image

A graduate of the fellowship training program in Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism at Makati Medical Center with specialty training in thyroid disorder, adrenals, diabetes, osteoporosis, pituitary and metabolism diseases.

Amazing Benefits of Jogging

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Jogging is the simplest and a standout amongst the most efficient types of exercises. Jogging helps you in keeping your body as robust and as healthy as you desire. As stated by the American Heart Association, aerobic activity such as jogging is the most secured and the best type of exercise as it requires only 30 minutes of your time a day. It can help you feel better and get you moving and going. Jogging strengthens the bones, develops cardiovascular health and helps you sustain a healthy weight. Continuous jogging will benefit our psychological and physical health in various ways. » » » [Read more]

Exercise Tips

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How much and what kind of exercise you can or should do will tend to have more to do with your overall condition than you weight. Of course most overweight people are not in very good condition. The big mistake I often made when I was fat was getting some injection of extra motivation then going after a bunch more exercise than I had been doing. Maybe that sounds good but it tends to backfire. After I wound up tired and sore or maybe even caught a cold well, guess how much I exercised after that? The older you get » » » [Read more]

How to Reduce Your Belly Fat: Practical Tips

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We all want to be fit, slim and have the perfect physical form. And almost all of us dreamed about a beautiful trained body and incredibly amazing tummy area with defined abs. So if you still dream about this, but don’t have enough time, willpower or just not pretty sure in your powers, now it’s a high time for you to do the first step and let your dream come true. In this article, you will find 10 practical tips which will help you become fit and get rid of belly fat. 1. Determine your body type The first and » » » [Read more]

How To Lose Weight And Stay Motivated

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Losing weight is one of the toughest things most people ever have to attempt in their lives. It is very difficult to start a weight loss plan and stick to it. Many people will start a weight loss plan and then quickly lose interest. If you would like know how to lose weight and stay motivated to keep those pounds off, hopefully the following guidelines will help you accomplish your goal.

How to Prevent the Office from Getting Sick

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If you work in an office in the middle of winter, getting sick is nearly inevitable. Winter time has its negatives and positives. One of the biggest negatives, especially if you work in close contact with several people, is getting sick. It can come from anything-someone sneezing, touching something or even being around someone. The only thing worse than getting sick yourself is getting the entire office sick, which you can easily do if you come down with a bug. If you know you are sick, you should avoid work at all costs. This is much easier said than done, » » » [Read more]

Natural Way To Increase Stamina

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In this fast moving world, with the enhancement of technology, people are becoming more of gadget freak; totally unaware of the fact that more and more use of gadgets and sedentary lifestyle creates a bad effect on your sex life and fertility. This is also one of the major reasons these days for poor sex drive and low stamina. To get over these issues and increase your endurance it is necessary to follow certain tips. Various medications and treatments do give effective results but they do not last long. To have long lasting results it is better to go for » » » [Read more]