Author Archives: FilDocsOrg

About FilDocsOrg
I am the administrator of, the 1-Stop resource for health-related information and online directory of general physicians and specialists in the Philippines. Feel free to contact me at admin [at] filipinodoctors [dot] org.

Amazing Benefits of Jogging

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Jogging is the simplest and a standout amongst the most efficient types of exercises. Jogging helps you in keeping your body as robust and as healthy as you desire. As stated by the American Heart Association, aerobic activity such as jogging is the most secured and the best type of exercise as it requires only 30 minutes of your time a day. It can help you feel better and get you moving and going. Jogging strengthens the bones, develops cardiovascular health and helps you sustain a healthy weight. Continuous jogging will benefit our psychological and physical health in various ways. » » » [Read more]

The Pros and Cons of BOTOX

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Botox is a well-known cosmetic treatment performed to remove fine lines and wrinkles from the face. In this process, the protein is injected into the skin, which blocks the signals that are being transmitted from nerves to muscles. Besides its advantages, Botox has some disadvantages also which must be considered before taking any decision regarding the treatment. And these disadvantages are… 1. Painful treatment Botox is a painful process because it is based on the aching injections. These injections are injected into the skin by using fine needles. People who can’t bear too much pain or have a fear of » » » [Read more]

Shocking Facts & Statistics About the Cleanliness of Hospitals

Shocking Facts & Statistics About the Cleanliness of Hospitals image

Healthy and fit body is significant for us to function properly. One factor of being healthy is having a clean environment. Indeed cleanliness is very essential. That is why it must be practiced at home, school, workplace and just about everywhere – both public and private establishments. One place that should practice utmost cleanliness is the hospital. Everyone who needs medical attention and healthcare go to the hospital. Patients are treated, given right kind of medications and proper care. But remember, recovery doesn’t always rely on medicines and drugs. Oftentimes, hospital environment plays a vital role in helping patients feel » » » [Read more]

Are You Overloading Your Feet?

Are You Overloading Your Feet? image

How Body Weight Can Affect Foot Pain Recent studies have shown that obesity leads to foot problems. As people get heavier and heavier, they are ruining their feet. Studies prove that foot and ankle problems are linked to an individual’s weight and body mass index (BMI). People who have higher BMI show a significant increase in foot and ankle problems. It is a fact that the weight does not even have to be significant to have an impact. One study found that a gain of only 10 pounds could trigger or exacerbate a foot problem. While problems vary from person » » » [Read more]


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Sunburn is a type of radiation burn that results from an over exposure to ultra violet radiation, commonly from the sun. An excess of UV radiation can be life threatening in extreme cases. Sun tan is produced on exposing the skin to lesser amounts of UV radiation. Signs of sunburn The skin turns red and hurts on getting sunburn. The swelling and blisters depends upon the severity of sunburn. The basic symptoms are the feeling of flu, feverish, with chills, nausea, headache and weakness. After few days, the skin will start peeling and itching to rid itself of sun-damaged cells. » » » [Read more]

Sympathetic Ophthalmia in an Infected Post-Scleral Buckling Eye

Sympathetic Ophthalmia in an Infected Post-Scleral Buckling Eye image

Jona MB Sy-Ongkeko, MD Archimedes LD Agahan, MD Juan S Lopez, MD Jacinto U Dy-Liacco, MD Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences, College of Medicine, University of the Philippines-Philippine General Hospital, Manila, Philippines Sympathetic ophthalmia (SO) is a rare, bilateral, nonnecrotising granulomatous panuveitis that may develop after exposure of intraocular contents to the immune system, i.e., trauma, followed by a latent period and the appearance of uveitis in both the injured and non-injured eye. Both eyes are affected, with the injured eye usually presenting with uveitis before, and more severe than the uninjured eye. Its occurrence is much more likely » » » [Read more]

5 Different Cellulite Treatments You Can Try

What is Cellulite? Cellulite is a common skin condition both found in men and women, although it is more obvious in women due to the anatomy of their skin. Cellulite denotes to the dimpling, orange peel appearance on the skin especially around the thighs, hips and buttocks. It is caused by deposits of fat under the skin that shove the connective tissues out of line, creating the bumpy look on the skin. Even though this is not a life threatening condition, it does interrupt the individual’s self-esteem and confidence. Cellulite developed due to several factors including lifestyle, diet, hormones and » » » [Read more]

Recent Advances in Nephron Sparing Surgery: A Review of Articles of Interest Discussing the Impact of Ischemia in the Preservation of Renal Function

Recent Advances in Nephron Sparing Surgery: A Review of Articles of Interest Discussing the Impact of Ischemia in the Preservation of Renal Function image

The surge of technological advancements has changed the way we treat diseases. In the realm of nephron sparing surgery there is a raging debate on the role of ischemia in the preservation of renal function. We set about discussing this issue by conducting a literature search of pertinent articles of interest. Our narrative synthesis of these articles sheds light on the matter as well as discusses recent innovation that modifies or even eliminates the use of mechanical ischemia in renal surgery.

A Healthy Mouth Leads To a Healthy Heart

A Healthy Mouth Leads To a Healthy Heart image

In the United Kingdom alone, statistics estimate that almost fifty percent of the whole population has some kind of gum disease. Given the economic standing of UK amongst the most powerful countries all over the world, it makes it highly possible that a bigger number of people in other countries suffer from gum disease. Still, why are we talking about that? Well, for starters, recent research suggests that there is some sort of association between periodontal – gum and teeth – disease and heart problems – coronary heart disease, which, by the way, is a chronic disease in the UK » » » [Read more]