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Interpreting Dreams To Help You Break Unwanted Behaviors

Interpreting Dreams To Help You Break Unwanted Behaviors image

The Most Frequent Dreams And Their Meanings A great number of publications exist about the meaning of dreams and what they want to tell you. When you compare these books and articles you will find many differences and contradictions but some interpretations are the same throughout different cultures and different authors. This doesn’t scientifically mean that they’re 100% right but for sure they are worth taking into consideration if you want to know more about your own dreams. Reflecting upon your dreams can be particularly rewarding when you try to break bad habits such as compulsive behaviors and addictions (smoking, » » » [Read more]

A Healthy Mouth Leads To a Healthy Heart

A Healthy Mouth Leads To a Healthy Heart image

In the United Kingdom alone, statistics estimate that almost fifty percent of the whole population has some kind of gum disease. Given the economic standing of UK amongst the most powerful countries all over the world, it makes it highly possible that a bigger number of people in other countries suffer from gum disease. Still, why are we talking about that? Well, for starters, recent research suggests that there is some sort of association between periodontal – gum and teeth – disease and heart problems – coronary heart disease, which, by the way, is a chronic disease in the UK » » » [Read more]