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Why Stopping Some Habits Can Make Your Skin Happy

Why Stopping Some Habits Can Make Your Skin Happy image

Smoking allows all those cigarette toxins to draw your blood supply away from your face. The natural pads of fat in your cheeks suffer. It’s not only the wrinkles around your lips that betray your smoking habit, your too-thin face will as well. The types of wrinkles on your skin can tell a story of their own. Deep wrinkles come from over-exposure to the sun. The area just under your eyes will be especially hard-hit. If you have noticed cracks at the sides of your mouth, this is called angular stomatitis. You may be deficient in vitamin B, which is » » » [Read more]

11 Natural Ways To Get Rid Of Dandruff And Itchy Scalp

11 Natural Ways To Get Rid Of Dandruff And Itchy Scalp image

How many times do you feel the need to constantly scratch your scalp and feel embarrassed since you are out in public? This is what dandruff can do to you. The fact is a lot of men and women have dandruff as it is one of the most common hair/scalp problem. It is a result of a growth of a dry fungus that goes by the name malassezia, which can be caused due to an excessively dry or excessively oily scalp. There are a lot of products like shampoos, hair oils etc. in the market that claims to offer dandruff relief but the fact is most of them offer temporary relief.

8 Home Remedies for Your Beauty Needs

8 Home Remedies for Your Beauty Needs image

Most people believe they have to buy high priced creams and cosmetic products in order to keep themselves looking beautiful. However, there are actually some great ways to maintain your beauty that won’t cost you too much money. Check out 8 of the best home remedies to help maintain your beauty in a very cheap way. Avocado Oil Avocados are rich in vitamin E, A, and C and these vitamins help keep your skin protected and moisturized. Mix avocado oil and an essential oil like evening primrose oil or coconut oil and apply it to your skin. The oil will » » » [Read more]

Simple And Effective Ways To A Healthy And Beautiful Body

Simple And Effective Ways To A Healthy And Beautiful Body image

Being beautiful is a piece of work. But it is a rewarding way to love yourself. Beauty of course is not just based on your physical appearance but as cliché as it is, real beauty comes from within. Here are some tips you can follow to achieve a healthy body and exude the beauty you have been dreaming of both inside and out. Get Enough Sleep Getting a good night sleep is one of the most effective way to de-stress yourself and let your body recover its lost energy. Studies also show that a good sleep can help you maintain » » » [Read more]