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Heat Stroke

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The summer season has started. High ambient temperatures with humidity can have various effects on the body, the most common of which are due to heat injuries and dehydration. The most serious among these conditions is heat stroke. What is heat stroke? Classic heat stroke is also known as Severe Hyperthermia. The usual body’s temperature ranges between 36.0C to 37.5C. When the body’s temperature reaches more than 37.5C, it is called hyperthermia. It is called severe hyperthermia if the body’s core temperature reaches 40.0C. Hyperthermia is not equivalent to fever. Hyperthermia is the elevation of the body’s core temperature that » » » [Read more]

Signs and Symptoms of Asthma

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The number of cases of asthma in the world is rising at an alarming pace. Heavy urbanization and deteriorating weather conditions play a huge role in this. According to the report of the World Health Organization in the year 2013, it is estimated that 235 million people worldwide have asthma and about 250,000 deaths are due to asthma. Asthma also affects many children and is considered one of the leading causes of chronic illnesses in this population. It can develop at any age from infancy to childhood but many children have symptoms by the age of 5. Thus, it is » » » [Read more]

20 Tips to Combat Chronic Inflammation

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Inflammation is the immune system’s way of biologically responding to an injury or, in some case, an infection. In fact, it is the sign of a healthy immune system, but only initially. If your immune system goes into an overdrive, it could turn into a chronic inflammation. An inflammation can be acute or chronic. When acute inflammations go unresolved, they can enter a chronic phase. Chronic Inflammations are persistent and can be linked to serious conditions like cancer, heart disease and asthma. They can also lead to small ailments that can go unnoticed. Here is how you can treat those » » » [Read more]

How to Combat the Symptoms of Low Testosterone

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Most symptoms of lower testosterone in men can be dealt with simply, but also naturally. The majority of symptoms stem from the same root problems physically, so the treatments have some common ways to deal with them. These dovetailing ways to combat symptoms of lower testosterone, don’t give anyone a reason to not monitor your symptoms seriously. Some symptoms should be watched carefully, so that other possible causes can be eliminated as the source. Loss of Body Hair When testosterone levels decline in males, a frequent symptom is a loss of body hair and overall hair growth. This is primarily » » » [Read more]

Alternative Ways To Save Yourself From Mosquitoes

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Mosquito bites are very often than not accompanied by a red swelling and itching. Most of the times this does not lead to anything serious in the health front, but if the mosquito happens to be vector of some dormant virus or bacteria, it is transferred to the human receiving the bite and let into his / her blood stream. When this happens, several symptoms pertaining to the diseases caused by those viruses or bacteria manifest themselves upon the infected individual.

Too Much Or Too Little Sleep Linked To Depression In Teenagers

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Depression is a mental illness that affects millions of people every day. Adults who suffer from the symptoms of the debilitating disorder are often prescribed an antidepressant, but in teenagers, the symptoms are often attributed to the life stage and go untreated. For decades, experts have connected sleep to depression, both getting too much sleep and not getting enough sleep. New study results are now showing that both extremes in sleep patterns signal depression in teenagers. The age group covering 13 to 19-year-olds generally fall into a few distinct categories. There are the teenagers who appear lazy, wanting to sleep » » » [Read more]

Feeling stressed? Best 10 ways to relax and feel better

Feeling stressed? Best 10 ways to relax and feel better image

While there are several ways of relaxing and reducing tension in the body, some have been proven to be more effective than others. This article discusses ten of the best ways of how to relax and feel better when you are stressed. Try out at least three or four techniques and find out what works best for you: 1. Meditation Meditation calms the restless mind. The best place to meditate is in a quiet and comfortable room. Just close your eyes and focus your mind on one single positive thought. This way, you can get rid of all the negative » » » [Read more]

Some Vitamins That You Shouldn't Take

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We are used to taking vitamin supplements on a daily basis, and they seem to be an excellent idea because they make us healthier. Is that true? As human beings we are confident that vitamins are paramount for our existence, and that vitamin deficiencies can lead to severe health conditions. An alarmingly large amount of people takes both vitamins and multi-vitamins daily. They’re usually sold in pharmacies and grocery stores, and most of them don’t call for a prescription. The vitamin supplement industry has grown tremendously over the past decade, and it’s now more powerful than ever. Companies base their » » » [Read more]