Blog Archives

20 Tips to Combat Chronic Inflammation

20 Tips to Combat Chronic Inflammation image

Inflammation is the immune system’s way of biologically responding to an injury or, in some case, an infection. In fact, it is the sign of a healthy immune system, but only initially. If your immune system goes into an overdrive, it could turn into a chronic inflammation. An inflammation can be acute or chronic. When acute inflammations go unresolved, they can enter a chronic phase. Chronic Inflammations are persistent and can be linked to serious conditions like cancer, heart disease and asthma. They can also lead to small ailments that can go unnoticed. Here is how you can treat those » » » [Read more]

5 Reasons You Should Stop Avoiding The Doctor

5 Reasons You Should Stop Avoiding The Doctor image

I don’t look forward to visiting the doctor, and I know I’m not the only one. The only reason I’ve continued to go over the years is because I’m convinced that the one year I don’t go is the year I’m going to contract a devastating disease like Ebola or Bird Flu. Men are notorious for avoiding a trip to their physician’s office at all costs (and some studies point to a large number of men that don’t even have a primary care provider). Though it’s not talked about as often, the truth is that many women are guilty of » » » [Read more]

How Often Should You Buy A New Mattress?

How Often Should You Buy A New Mattress? image

No matter how little or much we like to sleep, we spend approximately a third of our lives sleeping, and who doesn’t desire a cozy, nice bed to sleep on after a hectic and exhausting, long day? Sleeping is not only one of life’s greatest pleasures, but it is also a necessity. Therefore, having a good place to sleep is imperative as well as a supportive mattress to sleep on. But once we buy or have a mattress, we practically neglect the idea that we ought to change it someday, or that perhaps the old worn mattress is the causative » » » [Read more]