A Comprehensive Overview of Foot Problems

Foot problems for some people are nothing more than an occasional annoyance that equates to not wearing a favorite pair of shoes for a few days, but for others, foot problems are to the extreme of making the process of walking impossible. Apparently, the feet are depended on daily and forced to endure a tremendous amount of strain yet most people give little or no thought to what happens if foot problems were to develop until it happens.

Importance of Proper Foot Care

Just as a person goes through a regimen of skincare, hair care, eating, and exercising, the feet must also be provided with a little TLC. With proper care and making a few wise decisions, some injuries, infections, illnesses, and various types of damage that are done to feet could be prevented. However, by gaining insight into what feet need would also make it easier to handle any foot problems that might arise.

Many foot problems can be treated at home using over-the-counter products or home remedies, but sometimes, problems are so severe that medical care would be mandatory. Even with this, the number of possibilities is quite impressive. Since orthopedic issues are so prevalent, a tremendous amount of money and time has been spent on research to find new and innovative treatments that are now available today.

Importance of Proper Foot CareWith foot problems being something that affects millions and millions of people, we wanted to help educate about some of the underlying causes and also the newest treatment options being used. The most important thing for people to know is that even when foot problems are severe enough to cause horrible pain, swelling, redness, and immobility, a qualified doctor would be able to make the right treatment recommendation based on the diagnosis.

Six Foot Problems Considered Common

When it comes to foot problems, there are far more than six, which is why we chose just a few that seem to afflict people the most. Remember, by becoming educated about proper foot care to include preventative measures and treatment for different foot problems; there is no reason an individual cannot get the relief deserved and reclaim normal living.

Fungal Infection – This type of infection is something that can develop quickly if the conditions are right. As with any fungus, if a person wears shoes most of the time without giving feet time to air out or tends to have feet that sweat while wearing shoes, an environment has been created where fungi can grow. As a result, a person would experience an array of symptoms to include discoloration of the toenails, redness, itching, dry skin and peeling, and even blisters. If not treated early and correctly, a simple fungal infection can worsen to the point of causing a serious problem.

Corns and Calluses – Another one of the most common foot problems is the result of pressure and friction from shoes that affects any part of the foot with protruding bones. Wearing properly-fitting shoes and special pads would help the area heal and prevent corns and calluses from developing in the future. However, for someone with poor blood circulation or diabetes, getting immediate treatment is mandatory.

Warts – Most people do not think of warts as being one of the common foot problems, but these growths affect millions of people. Although warts are merely a skin growth, the problem is some type of virus causes them. Because of this, warts have to be removed by a medical doctor, or they could spread. Often, warts are not painful at all but in some instances, not only are they painful but the skin around would also become tender and inflamed.

Bunions – A misconception about bunions is that only older people get them, but in truth, anyone who wears narrow-toed shoes would be at risk. Initially, a bunion could be dealt with by wearing shoes of a different cut, using cushioned pads, and even taping the bunion to pull it into a more comfortable position. However, because bunions become large and most become incredibly painful, anti-inflammatory medication, cortisone injections, physical therapy, orthotic devices, and even surgery would likely be needed to correct the problem.

Ingrown Toenails – When trimming toenails, many people make the same mistake of clipping the nail in an arch to follow the natural curvature of the toe but to avoid ingrown toenails, the nail should be clipped straight across. As with many foot problems, at first an ingrown toenail might be more of an irritation, but if not properly cared for, the area could easily become infected to the point of entering the bloodstream.

Foot Problems Narrow Toe ShoesHammertoe – Another foot problem the result of wearing shoes with a narrow toe, this forces the muscles of the toes to constrict, which pulls the middle joint upwards to a protruding position. Not only is this unsightly but with the tip of the joint pushing up, wearing shoes becomes nearly impossible. In some cases, a person would also lose balance because of the muscle being involved but also the distorted position of the toes. Typically, surgery is the ultimate solution for hammertoes.

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Katie Smith

About Katie Smith

Katie Smith is the enthusiastic woman. She loves writing about life and beauty on Reviewmoon.
