Category Archives: Fitness

And the Best Exercise for Losing Fat Is...

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Do you want to lose fat and get a flat stomach? Would you like to improve your energy levels and feel healthier and more alive at the same time? In that case, there’s one form of exercise that arguably trumps all the others. And that is… walking! Let’s take a look at why walking is the king of the hill when it comes to losing weight and improving your health. Walking vs Running One of the best-known forms of exercise for losing weight is undoubtedly running. This will be what many people turn to first when beginning a weight loss » » » [Read more]

Stomach Exercises To Decrease Belly Fat In A Week

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People have got addicted into the habit of taking junk foods. This junk food is heavily poised with complex food molecules and indigestible fat which occurs as stray storage in the body. The fat in junk foods we normally take either in the form of burgers, pizzas and ally tasty baked foods provide a stiff resistance to the actions of digestion enzymes and the acids in the body. These fat deposits are then sent to adipose layer of skin tissues around the body mostly in the belly region. There are few exercises which one can do on a regular basis » » » [Read more]

The Magic Number Of Calories to Lose Weight

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Now to begin with, the suggested daily quantity of calories for the most people is about 2000 – 2500 calories. The first thing that you need to do is to check how many calories a day you’re eating. To do this you have to start knowing the calories you are eating daily. Number 1 when you get started, don’t make any alterations in your diet but just keep track of how many calories you eat. After around a week, take the total number of calories from each day and average it out to learn your daily average. The easy way » » » [Read more]

Amazing Benefits of Jogging

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Jogging is the simplest and a standout amongst the most efficient types of exercises. Jogging helps you in keeping your body as robust and as healthy as you desire. As stated by the American Heart Association, aerobic activity such as jogging is the most secured and the best type of exercise as it requires only 30 minutes of your time a day. It can help you feel better and get you moving and going. Jogging strengthens the bones, develops cardiovascular health and helps you sustain a healthy weight. Continuous jogging will benefit our psychological and physical health in various ways. » » » [Read more]

Shoulders Back Posture Brace

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If you’re looking forward to improving your body posture, you can’t overlook your shoulders. Sometimes, poor positioning of the shoulders is one of the major reasons why people have a bad posture. Also, poor positioning of shoulders restricts the smooth flow of blood to your brain causing headaches and neck pain. In fact, if you don’t maintain proper position of your shoulders, your back might get out of order as well. This is why most of the physicians suggest the use of good quality shoulder brace. Similar to that of a back brace, which constrains you to align your head » » » [Read more]

Are You Overloading Your Feet?

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How Body Weight Can Affect Foot Pain Recent studies have shown that obesity leads to foot problems. As people get heavier and heavier, they are ruining their feet. Studies prove that foot and ankle problems are linked to an individual’s weight and body mass index (BMI). People who have higher BMI show a significant increase in foot and ankle problems. It is a fact that the weight does not even have to be significant to have an impact. One study found that a gain of only 10 pounds could trigger or exacerbate a foot problem. While problems vary from person » » » [Read more]

Exercise Tips

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How much and what kind of exercise you can or should do will tend to have more to do with your overall condition than you weight. Of course most overweight people are not in very good condition. The big mistake I often made when I was fat was getting some injection of extra motivation then going after a bunch more exercise than I had been doing. Maybe that sounds good but it tends to backfire. After I wound up tired and sore or maybe even caught a cold well, guess how much I exercised after that? The older you get » » » [Read more]

Ten Imperative Reasons to Strive For Yoga

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Some yoga techniques and pattern happens to be so extreme and dynamic, and simultaneously soothing and meditative “as well”. Regardless of the type one chooses, yoga is an outstanding method to extend and reinforce the body, concentrate on the mind and get fit as it is existing in various parts of the world. There are various units and branches of yoga all over the world. It is a 5,000 year old art in the aspect of health and fitness from India that has developed as a practice to cure diverse diseases and health implications. It is “however” a matter of » » » [Read more]

On Health, Fitness And Cigarettes

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A lot of people talk about wellness but very few people have taken the time to consider what the term really means. Wellness in general can be described as the state in which a person orients themselves into maximizing their own potential. It’s not something that a person can achieve in a day, it’s a process that takes a lifetime. It includes spiritual, physical and psychological dimensions. We cannot talk about wellness without mentioning self improvement. You have probably read one of the many self-help books flooding the market. Most of them promise to get you rich or to make » » » [Read more]

How to Reduce Your Belly Fat: Practical Tips

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We all want to be fit, slim and have the perfect physical form. And almost all of us dreamed about a beautiful trained body and incredibly amazing tummy area with defined abs. So if you still dream about this, but don’t have enough time, willpower or just not pretty sure in your powers, now it’s a high time for you to do the first step and let your dream come true. In this article, you will find 10 practical tips which will help you become fit and get rid of belly fat. 1. Determine your body type The first and » » » [Read more]