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Benefits Of Chiropractic Care

Benefits Of Chiropractic Care image

What is Chiropractic? Having the meaning of efficient or practical by hand, chiropractic is not technically recognized as a part of medical treatment but is often made use of. Chiropractic care is the diagnosis and treatment of patients by medical professionals without the use of medicines. This treatment completely involves practical techniques. Chiropractic care helps to regain flexibility and better functioning of bones, ligaments and muscles. When this treatment is being conducted, Chiropractors focus more on the spinal area, as like the brain, it deals with the nervous system of the body. Apart from making the back and neck work » » » [Read more]

Osteonecrosis of the Jaw (ONJ) in a Multiple Myeloma Patient

Osteonecrosis of the Jaw (ONJ) in a Multiple Myeloma Patient image

This is a case of a 59 year-old female was seen due to pain and purulentdischarge on the right mandible. Patient is a diagnosed case of multiple myeloma three years prior to admission who was treated with melphalan, prednisone, zolendronic acid, and has undergone radiotherapy for 25 sessions. Panoramic radiograph of the mandibles showed radioluscency at the body of mandible suggestive of an osteonecrotic process. After discovering this, zolendronic acid was discontinued and sequestrectomy and hyperbaric oxygen was done as advised by the maxillofacial surgeon.