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Heat Stroke

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The summer season has started. High ambient temperatures with humidity can have various effects on the body, the most common of which are due to heat injuries and dehydration. The most serious among these conditions is heat stroke. What is heat stroke? Classic heat stroke is also known as Severe Hyperthermia. The usual body’s temperature ranges between 36.0C to 37.5C. When the body’s temperature reaches more than 37.5C, it is called hyperthermia. It is called severe hyperthermia if the body’s core temperature reaches 40.0C. Hyperthermia is not equivalent to fever. Hyperthermia is the elevation of the body’s core temperature that » » » [Read more]

How Nature Walks Makes Your Brain Healthier

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There are many benefits to spending time in nature, but new research shows that walking in nature changes the brain for the better. These and other health benefits give you more reasons to take the time to walk in natural settings. If you live in a city, you may be at risk for health issues related to chronic stress. Physiomed’s infographic helps you understand all of the benefits that walking in nature can provide while helping you set up a plan to make this a part of your healthy lifestyle. Why Walk in Nature Instead of the City? Although walking » » » [Read more]

Ebola Virus Transmission And Treatment

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Ebola virus is the only virus in the Zaire Ebola virus species. It is considered to be the most dangerous of the five known viruses within the genus Ebola virus. Among these five known Ebola viruses, four are known to cause severe and fatal hemorrhagic fever in humans and other mammals. These viruses are known as Ebola virus disease. Both the virus and its species were earlier named on Zaire, a country where it was first described. Initially, it was suspected to be a new “strain”, which is closely related to Marburg virus. This virus is a part of virological » » » [Read more]

Alternative Ways To Save Yourself From Mosquitoes

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Mosquito bites are very often than not accompanied by a red swelling and itching. Most of the times this does not lead to anything serious in the health front, but if the mosquito happens to be vector of some dormant virus or bacteria, it is transferred to the human receiving the bite and let into his / her blood stream. When this happens, several symptoms pertaining to the diseases caused by those viruses or bacteria manifest themselves upon the infected individual.