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What NOT To Eat For A Healthy Skin

What NOT To Eat For A Healthy Skin image

While gorging on our favorite foods and regular meals, we often tend to include only those foods which pamper our taste buds and make us feel comfortable. However, little do we realize that our daily diet might include some of the foods that are actually silent killers of good health and are notorious in robbing off the youth and beauty quotient of our skin. Now before you start scratching your heads or lose sleep over identifying these items, have a look at the foods mentioned below, which should be consumed only in moderation in order to prevent them from harming » » » [Read more]

Simple And Effective Ways To A Healthy And Beautiful Body

Simple And Effective Ways To A Healthy And Beautiful Body image

Being beautiful is a piece of work. But it is a rewarding way to love yourself. Beauty of course is not just based on your physical appearance but as cliché as it is, real beauty comes from within. Here are some tips you can follow to achieve a healthy body and exude the beauty you have been dreaming of both inside and out. Get Enough Sleep Getting a good night sleep is one of the most effective way to de-stress yourself and let your body recover its lost energy. Studies also show that a good sleep can help you maintain » » » [Read more]