Some people are born blind or partially-sighted, but often, loss of sight is linked to other health problems. Here are some health conditions which may result in partial or complete loss of sight: Cataracts Cataracts are one of the most common causes of lost sight. They form over the lens and cause the vision to become very cloudy and blurred. Cataracts can often be treated very effectively with surgery, but in severe cases, it may not be possible to save the sight. Cataracts tend to develop slowly and at first, the changes may be very gradual and hard to spot; » » » [Read more]
Which Health Problems Can Cause Blindness?
Some Vitamins That You Shouldn't Take
We are used to taking vitamin supplements on a daily basis, and they seem to be an excellent idea because they make us healthier. Is that true? As human beings we are confident that vitamins are paramount for our existence, and that vitamin deficiencies can lead to severe health conditions. An alarmingly large amount of people takes both vitamins and multi-vitamins daily. They’re usually sold in pharmacies and grocery stores, and most of them don’t call for a prescription. The vitamin supplement industry has grown tremendously over the past decade, and it’s now more powerful than ever. Companies base their » » » [Read more]
Your eyes are as delicate as your body is
Did we ever think about how we could protect the most valuable organs of our body – the eyes? Eyes are precious and delicate. Maintenance of our eyes is often neglected but little do we know that just a touch of looking after can keep them functioning for years and years to come.
Symptoms of Eye Strain
Straining your eye muscles can produce a variety of symptoms. Because of that, eye strain can be a debilitating repetitive stress injury. Chronic eye strain may also be a significant factor in learning and attention problems. Furthermore, you may not even recognize some of these symptoms as “eye” problems. However, once you understand that these issues are symptoms of eye strain you are well on your way to treating eye strain or preventing eye strain entirely. Symptoms of Eye Strain Headaches Pain in the neck Back pain Spasms or twitches around the eyes Dizziness Lightheadedness Car sickness Nausea Blurred vision » » » [Read more]