Category Archives: News

Top Medical Tech Innovations in 2013

Top Medical Tech Innovations in 2013 image

It is great to know that this year marked considerable innovations in technology. The health industry became a recipient of great strides in technology. The exciting innovations will ultimately drive health care into a new era, a new level if you may. Surely the erstwhile slow-paced technology has become more agile and flexible and it will improve how we get fit and consult our doctors tomorrow. Electronic aspirin We have heard about electronic cigarettes and how it can replace real cigarettes for a cheaper price and provide safer and healthier alternative to smoking. But have you heard about electronic aspirin? » » » [Read more]

Effective Treatment Options For Leukemia

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Leukemia is a dreaded cancer of the blood or bone marrow. An individual suffering from this disease has abnormal production of blood cells called leucocytes (white blood cells). The DNA of immature blood cells (typically white blood cells) gets damaged and causes cells to grow and divide abnormally. Under normal circumstances, blood cells do their work and die, and are replaced by new blood cells which are produced in the bone marrow. In abnormal situations, blood cells do not die easily and get accumulated, occupying more and more space. Consequently, there is less space for healthy blood cells which brings » » » [Read more]