Author Archives: FilDocsOrg

About FilDocsOrg
I am the administrator of, the 1-Stop resource for health-related information and online directory of general physicians and specialists in the Philippines. Feel free to contact me at admin [at] filipinodoctors [dot] org.

Acid Reflux And The Best Ways To Get Rid Of It

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Acid reflux is a condition wherein the excessive acid produced in the stomach oozes out and goes up the food pipe, damaging its tissues. There has been a surge in the number of people suffering from acid reflux due to the changes in their eating habits. Such people are advised to refrain from consuming foods and beverages that increase the acidic content in our body.

Gene therapy: A Potential Medical Wonder

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Gene therapy is the future of the therapeutic medicine. This experimental therapy involves genetic manipulation to prevent or treat specific conditions. It works in three ways – by replacing the faulty gene, deactivating the faulty gene, or by introducing a new gene that suppresses the activity of the faulty gene. Currently, gene therapy is being explored for the treatment of specific cancers, neurological disorders, inherited disorders, and infectious diseases.

Nutrition in Pregnancy

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Pregnancy is a fascinating time in a woman’s life. But not all realize that even before the confirmation of a pregnancy, the body has already started to undergo significant changes due to the changing hormone profile to accommodate the growing embryo. This may entail the need to improve one’s diet to be able to cope up with the requirements of the developing fetus and the changes in the maternal body processes. The caloric requirement of pregnant women increases by about 300 kilocalories per day. This includes an adequate amount of macronutrients as well as micronutrients. Macronutrients include carbohydrates, proteins and » » » [Read more]

5 Foods That May Actually Be Spiking Your Blood Pressure

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High blood pressure is a worldwide phenomenon that is leading to more individuals developing cardiovascular diseases daily. It can also lead to the development of noncardiovascular diseases such as kidney failure or even brain damage. The unfortunate thing with high blood pressure, however, is that it usually progresses without any symptoms until the damage is already done. Because of this, it is important to know your blood pressure and take the necessary steps to get it under control. One approach to getting your hypertension under control is watching what you consume. While there are certain foods that you can consume » » » [Read more]

Heat Stroke

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The summer season has started. High ambient temperatures with humidity can have various effects on the body, the most common of which are due to heat injuries and dehydration. The most serious among these conditions is heat stroke. What is heat stroke? Classic heat stroke is also known as Severe Hyperthermia. The usual body’s temperature ranges between 36.0C to 37.5C. When the body’s temperature reaches more than 37.5C, it is called hyperthermia. It is called severe hyperthermia if the body’s core temperature reaches 40.0C. Hyperthermia is not equivalent to fever. Hyperthermia is the elevation of the body’s core temperature that » » » [Read more]

How Stress Affects Your Body

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Stress had never been considered as detrimental as it is today. In the early days, it was stress that invoked a ‘fight or flight’ response and kept our ancestors safe from wild dangers. Now, the same stress is posing a risk of harm to the human body. It has been recognized as the No. 1 proxy killer disease by the esteemed American Medical Association. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) have addressed the perils of workplace stress in the American Industry that claims an estimated $300 billion annually.