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How Often Should You Buy A New Mattress?

How Often Should You Buy A New Mattress? image

No matter how little or much we like to sleep, we spend approximately a third of our lives sleeping, and who doesn’t desire a cozy, nice bed to sleep on after a hectic and exhausting, long day? Sleeping is not only one of life’s greatest pleasures, but it is also a necessity. Therefore, having a good place to sleep is imperative as well as a supportive mattress to sleep on. But once we buy or have a mattress, we practically neglect the idea that we ought to change it someday, or that perhaps the old worn mattress is the causative » » » [Read more]

How to Prevent the Office from Getting Sick

How to Prevent the Office from Getting Sick image

If you work in an office in the middle of winter, getting sick is nearly inevitable. Winter time has its negatives and positives. One of the biggest negatives, especially if you work in close contact with several people, is getting sick. It can come from anything-someone sneezing, touching something or even being around someone. The only thing worse than getting sick yourself is getting the entire office sick, which you can easily do if you come down with a bug. If you know you are sick, you should avoid work at all costs. This is much easier said than done, » » » [Read more]