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The Pros and Cons of BOTOX

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Botox is a well-known cosmetic treatment performed to remove fine lines and wrinkles from the face. In this process, the protein is injected into the skin, which blocks the signals that are being transmitted from nerves to muscles. Besides its advantages, Botox has some disadvantages also which must be considered before taking any decision regarding the treatment. And these disadvantages are… 1. Painful treatment Botox is a painful process because it is based on the aching injections. These injections are injected into the skin by using fine needles. People who can’t bear too much pain or have a fear of » » » [Read more]

How Often Should You Buy A New Mattress?

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No matter how little or much we like to sleep, we spend approximately a third of our lives sleeping, and who doesn’t desire a cozy, nice bed to sleep on after a hectic and exhausting, long day? Sleeping is not only one of life’s greatest pleasures, but it is also a necessity. Therefore, having a good place to sleep is imperative as well as a supportive mattress to sleep on. But once we buy or have a mattress, we practically neglect the idea that we ought to change it someday, or that perhaps the old worn mattress is the causative » » » [Read more]

Computer Ergonomics and Repetitive Stress Injury

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Contrary to popular believe, the purpose of ergonomically correct computer furnishings and accessories have very little to do with comfort; they have more to do with preventing repetitive stress injury. While comfort is certainly an important consideration, it is rather in the field of improved productivity where ergonomically correct workstations and equipment makes the most sense. Repetitive stress injury has been acknowledged as a threat to productivity for some time, but this condition is on the increase and more and more people, especially those that spend many hours each day in from of their computers, complain of debilitating pain and » » » [Read more]