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How to Reduce Your Belly Fat: Practical Tips

How to Reduce Your Belly Fat: Practical Tips image

We all want to be fit, slim and have the perfect physical form. And almost all of us dreamed about a beautiful trained body and incredibly amazing tummy area with defined abs. So if you still dream about this, but don’t have enough time, willpower or just not pretty sure in your powers, now it’s a high time for you to do the first step and let your dream come true. In this article, you will find 10 practical tips which will help you become fit and get rid of belly fat. 1. Determine your body type The first and » » » [Read more]

Ways to lose weight

Ways to lose weight image

We all want to have healthy and beautiful bodies but sometimes a few excess pounds here and there bother us a lot. What is the best way to lose weight? Should you stick to a diet? Go to a gym? An avalanche of information on weight loss leaves you overwhelmed. Should you try low carbs diet (Paleo diet, Sugar Busters, Atkins) or should you stick with low calorie diet (Big loser diet or Learn diet)? The infographic presents a number of the most common diets and discusses its pros and cons. Experts say that long-lasting results are achieved when a » » » [Read more]