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Eat Healthy Foods To Stay Healthy

Eat Healthy Foods To Stay Healthy image

If you are looking to lead a healthy lifestyle in this modern world, then it is vital for you to maintain a very healthy diet along with some physical exercise. This is the most common thing that is being said by most people, but only a handful of people heed to such theories. The end result is that many of the people we see around us are either overweight or obese. If you also fall in this category, then it is high time that you gave a serious thought to a healthy body and mind in order to boost your lifespan. Eating healthy meals and healthy food is a sure shot way to your physical well being.

Stupid Guideline Tricks: Am I Fat Enough, Yet?

Stupid Guideline Tricks: Am I Fat Enough, Yet? image

Thinking is hard work. This is why so few people bother. At least voluntarily. So whenever it seems like the threat of brainwork looms in modern American medicine, we can thank our lucky stars for the geniuses behind healthcare “reform” and guidelines of care. This comes up as a result of a conversation that I had with a patient the other day. A pleasant, obese gentleman. He had been struggling with his weight and Type II diabetes for some time, and there were now some early indications of some potentially serious long-term complications. He mentioned to me that he was » » » [Read more]