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Gene therapy: A Potential Medical Wonder

Gene therapy: A Potential Medical Wonder image

Gene therapy is the future of the therapeutic medicine. This experimental therapy involves genetic manipulation to prevent or treat specific conditions. It works in three ways – by replacing the faulty gene, deactivating the faulty gene, or by introducing a new gene that suppresses the activity of the faulty gene. Currently, gene therapy is being explored for the treatment of specific cancers, neurological disorders, inherited disorders, and infectious diseases.

Does The Public Know How To Dispose Of Asbestos Safely?

Does The Public Know How To Dispose Of Asbestos Safely? image

Asbestos is a very dangerous, yet underestimated substance in terms of a lack of awareness campaigns in the media to help others understand exactly what it can do. The dangers and implications that asbestos can have on our health if exposed to a few fibres are not taken very seriously by many. This alone could mean that there is a greater danger in regards to further unnecessary exposure. The symptoms are not apparent for years and there is no known treatment that treats asbestos related diseases. Asbestos exposure is so dangerous that there is nothing much doctors can do to » » » [Read more]