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Alternative Ways To Save Yourself From Mosquitoes

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Mosquito bites are very often than not accompanied by a red swelling and itching. Most of the times this does not lead to anything serious in the health front, but if the mosquito happens to be vector of some dormant virus or bacteria, it is transferred to the human receiving the bite and let into his / her blood stream. When this happens, several symptoms pertaining to the diseases caused by those viruses or bacteria manifest themselves upon the infected individual.

11 Natural Ways To Get Rid Of Dandruff And Itchy Scalp

11 Natural Ways To Get Rid Of Dandruff And Itchy Scalp image

How many times do you feel the need to constantly scratch your scalp and feel embarrassed since you are out in public? This is what dandruff can do to you. The fact is a lot of men and women have dandruff as it is one of the most common hair/scalp problem. It is a result of a growth of a dry fungus that goes by the name malassezia, which can be caused due to an excessively dry or excessively oily scalp. There are a lot of products like shampoos, hair oils etc. in the market that claims to offer dandruff relief but the fact is most of them offer temporary relief.

Acne And Pimples Are Embarrassing! - Try these Natural Facial Masks

Acne And Pimples Are Embarrassing! - Try these Natural Facial Masks image

Acne can be caused by different things and there is no miracle cure that can make acne disappear overnight and never come back again. However, there are ways to naturally control the oiliness of the skin and to reduce any irritation or inflammation of the skin. Facial masks made from natural ingredients can help to relieve a lot of the problems associated with oily skin like acne. Although they may not be a cure, they can go a long way in easing skin problems brought about by acne.