We all want to have healthy and beautiful bodies but sometimes a few excess pounds here and there bother us a lot. What is the best way to lose weight? Should you stick to a diet? Go to a gym? An avalanche of information on weight loss leaves you overwhelmed. Should you try low carbs diet (Paleo diet, Sugar Busters, Atkins) or should you stick with low calorie diet (Big loser diet or Learn diet)? The infographic presents a number of the most common diets and discusses its pros and cons. Experts say that long-lasting results are achieved when a person improves his or her lifestyle, when he or she develops balanced eating habits and starts to exercise. Therefore it is vital to choose weight loss method that suits your life and would not cause too much damage. If you like green scenery put on your running shoes and go for a jog in a park, go cycling or rollerblading with friends. If you are more of a team player start playing football, basketball or tennis. However, sometimes, when all traditional means fail, a person is encouraged to consider weight loss surgery such as gastric balloon, gastric bypass, gastric band or gastric sleeve. Obesity surgery can alleviate many excess weight related issues such as diabetes type 2, sleep apnoea, GERD and other disorders. Have a look at weight loss infographic and explore your options to a better self.

How to lose weight infographics by Nordbariatric.com