This article describes the several effects of ultraviolet radiation on our eyes which cause severe eye problems and may ultimately lead to complete vision loss. Further, the effects of UV rays on the skin and immune system and the positive effects of UV rays on us are briefly explained.
The Effects of UV Rays on Our Eyes - You Must Know
Hepatitis Myths & Facts
Myth: Eating yellow-colored food can increase the chances of jaundice. Fact: This is not true. Food like turmeric is loaded with anti-inflammatory properties and also help in detoxifying the liver. Antioxidants in lemon juice help in flushing the free radicals from the liver and help it to recover following the infection. Myth: Eating bland food and boiled vegetables are the right kind of food for viral hepatitis. Fact: Nutrition is very important for the improvement of liver function. Limiting oneself to only bland and boiled food can easily lead to protein-calorie malnutrition during the prolonged illness. Myth: Hepatitis B can » » » [Read more]