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Manage Your Stress: Know the Warning Signs and Find Out How to Cope

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The Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) brought the subject of “killer stress” into international news when it aired “Killer Stress – A National Geographic Special with Robert Sapolsky.” Sapolsky, a Stanford University neurobiologist, highlighted his groundbreaking work on the effects of stress on both human and primate health, and his findings were grim. Stress and Human Biology Stress is hard-wired into the human biology as part of the survival instinct. Perhaps best known as the “fight or flight syndrome,” stress in earlier periods of human evolution helped early humans identify predators and escape before becoming someone’s lunch. But today this same » » » [Read more]

Anabolic Steroids

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A steroid is a hormone synthesized by the adrenal glands from cholesterol. All steroids contain a basic cyclopentanoperhydrophenanthrene ring structure. Biosynthesis of steroid hormones requires a series of enzymatic process that takes place inside the cell.

Association Of Vitamin D Level And Insulin Resistance

It has come as a surprise to see a lot of people with vitamin d deficiency in a tropical country like the Philippines with almost a year-round sunshine. Vitamin D, also called the sunshine hormone, has effect on our bone, immune system, metabolism and even mood. Studies say that the reduced pigmentation of light-skinned individuals results in higher vitamin D level. On the other hand, melanin, the skin pigment, which is present in greater quantity in dark-skinned individuals, act like a sun-block resulting to decreased conversion of vitamin D precursors in the skin. This is the reason why dark-skinned individuals » » » [Read more]

Underactive Thyroid

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The condition of having an underactive thyroid is called hypothyroidism. This is a state of thyroid hormone deficiency or lack of thyroid hormones. It may be caused by an abnormality in the thyroid gland itself which is called primary hypothyroidism or by an insufficient level of thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) causing under stimulation of the thyroid gland resulting to low thyroid hormone production. Underactive Thyroid Symptoms Signs and symptoms of thyroid hormone deficiency reflect the need for thyroid hormones in metabolism and its effect on all organs. Patients present with thickened features and puffy appearance. Swelling around the eyes and » » » [Read more]