Dr. Christian Emmanuel T. Lim, a neurologist practicing in Manila and Bohol. He specializes in the care of the brain, spinal cord, peripheral nerves, neuromuscular junction, and muscles. His fields of interest are seizure disorders, insomnia, dizziness, headaches, back pain, and stroke. He also treats other neurologic disorders such as Parkinson disease, multiple sclerosis, tumors of the brain and spine, as well as peripheral neuropathies.
Christian Emmanuel T. Lim, MD
Bipolar vs Depression: What's the Difference?
Sometimes, people confuse bipolar disorder and depression. Read on to learn the differences between bipolar vs depression. Are you worried about the mental health of yourself or a loved one? Confused about bipolar vs depression? Both depression and bipolar disorder can cause symptoms including mood swings and changes in behavior, but the two conditions have some key differences.
How Stress Affects Your Body
Stress had never been considered as detrimental as it is today. In the early days, it was stress that invoked a ‘fight or flight’ response and kept our ancestors safe from wild dangers. Now, the same stress is posing a risk of harm to the human body. It has been recognized as the No. 1 proxy killer disease by the esteemed American Medical Association. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) have addressed the perils of workplace stress in the American Industry that claims an estimated $300 billion annually.
How Screen Time Is Affecting Our Health
The problem with digital screens is that they emit blue light. Blue light can cause eye strain (prevalent in 91% of adults between the ages of 18-39), damage the retina, and lead to long-term vision problems like cataracts and macular degeneration. Screen time also causes difficulties with sleeping since blue light mimics daylight, which then reduces the amount of melatonin we release. More than 80% of adults use digital screens in the hour before they go to bed, which is problematic. Increased screen time is also linked to some other health conditions, from obesity to diabetes. A study of 50,000 » » » [Read more]
Amazing Benefits of Jogging
Jogging is the simplest and a standout amongst the most efficient types of exercises. Jogging helps you in keeping your body as robust and as healthy as you desire. As stated by the American Heart Association, aerobic activity such as jogging is the most secured and the best type of exercise as it requires only 30 minutes of your time a day. It can help you feel better and get you moving and going. Jogging strengthens the bones, develops cardiovascular health and helps you sustain a healthy weight. Continuous jogging will benefit our psychological and physical health in various ways. » » » [Read more]