The number of cases of asthma in the world is rising at an alarming pace. Heavy urbanization and deteriorating weather conditions play a huge role in this. According to the report of the World Health Organization in the year 2013, it is estimated that 235 million people worldwide have asthma and about 250,000 deaths are due to asthma. Asthma also affects many children and is considered one of the leading causes of chronic illnesses in this population. It can develop at any age from infancy to childhood but many children have symptoms by the age of 5. Thus, it is » » » [Read more]
Signs and Symptoms of Asthma
Say No to the Common Cold
The Common Cold is a mild viral infection of the nose, throat, sinuses, and upper airways caused by several distinct families of viruses such as the Coronavirus and Rhinovirus. An average adult may expect to get a cold approximately 2 – 4 times a year, while children may expect to get colds 3 – 8 times a year. Most colds last for 4 – 5 days, and while no cure is available for the common cold, over-the-counter medications may help reduce or eliminate your cold symptoms. Symptoms Colds result from a viral inflammation of the upper respiratory tract (nose to » » » [Read more]