If you grew up here in the Philippines, you might have heard of these myths our elders have probably practiced through the years.
Common Filipino Myths on Motherhood
Is Poor Sleep the Cause of Your Pain?
If you are feeling sleep deprived and in pain, it may be that your lack of sleep is contributing to the pain you are in, here’s how.
Everything You Have to Know About Health Maintenance Organizations
Employees are typically busy with both their work and priorities at home that they tend to forget about their health. They know that health is wealth, but stress hinders them to prioritize in so that they can earn money. Many are also guilty of now owning health insurances that would enable them to save money whenever they suddenly need to pay medical expenses. Health insurances are reliable safety nets that let an individual save money by having the insurance plan cover portions of the medical bill. Lack of time and money might seem to be insufficient excuses to not getting » » » [Read more]