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Ergonomic Computer Setup

Ergonomic Computer Setup image

Poor posture, lack of proper equipment and incorrect ergonomics information are all contributing factors to an improper computer setup. You can see, as illustrated here, that working at a computer can cause a lot of distress in a number of different parts of the body. With that in mind here are some key things not to do: Avoid existing ergonomic guidelines unless they make scientific sense. Ergonomics should be based on fact, research, experimentation and theory using body mechanics as a base line. Remember that ergonomics is personal. What works for someone else may not work for you. Do not » » » [Read more]

Symptoms of Eye Strain

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Straining your eye muscles can produce a variety of symptoms. Because of that, eye strain can be a debilitating repetitive stress injury. Chronic eye strain may also be a significant factor in learning and attention problems. Furthermore, you may not even recognize some of these symptoms as “eye” problems. However, once you understand that these issues are symptoms of eye strain you are well on your way to treating eye strain or preventing eye strain entirely. Symptoms of Eye Strain Headaches Pain in the neck Back pain Spasms or twitches around the eyes Dizziness Lightheadedness Car sickness Nausea Blurred vision » » » [Read more]

What is Ergonomics?

What is Ergonomics? image

Ergonomics is a term thrown around by health professionals and marketing mavens with a cavalier attitude. For some it has a very specific meaning. For others it covers everything under the sun. With all this different verbiage flying at you, you are probably starting to wonder, “What is Ergonomics?” Definition of Ergonomics Ergonomics derives from two Greek words: ergon, meaning work, and nomoi, meaning natural laws, to create a word that means the science of work and a person’s relationship to that work. The International Ergonomics Association has adopted this technical definition: ergonomics (or human factors) is the scientific discipline » » » [Read more]