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Tendonitis image

So, you have been diagnosed with wrist tendonitis, or fear you might develop it, and it is time to look at treatments. Preventative methods for tendonitis of the wrist are part of a comprehensive treatment program and should be exercised during and after recovery. Tendonitis can be caused by repetitive or acute trauma or a combination of the two. Treatment for tendonitis is the same whether it developed as a repetitive stress injury or not. Finding the Cause of Tendonitis The first step in treating and preventing wrist tendonitis is understanding what caused it. Many general causes of repetitive stress » » » [Read more]

What is Ergonomics?

What is Ergonomics? image

Ergonomics is a term thrown around by health professionals and marketing mavens with a cavalier attitude. For some it has a very specific meaning. For others it covers everything under the sun. With all this different verbiage flying at you, you are probably starting to wonder, “What is Ergonomics?” Definition of Ergonomics Ergonomics derives from two Greek words: ergon, meaning work, and nomoi, meaning natural laws, to create a word that means the science of work and a person’s relationship to that work. The International Ergonomics Association has adopted this technical definition: ergonomics (or human factors) is the scientific discipline » » » [Read more]

How to Recognize Repetitive Stress Injury

How to Recognize Repetitive Stress Injury image

Only few people realize just how common the occurrence of repetitive stress injury, also called repetitive strain injury is. Other medical experts prefer to call the condition persistent stress illness since a specific muscle or part of the body is subjected to strain or stress that is caused by repeating the same motion or task over and over again. In time, the unnatural strain placed upon that muscle or body part causes injuries. In certain severe cases, conditions such as osteo-arthritis may even be indicated. Just how do this repetitive stress injury develop? Modern life requires that we move repetitively » » » [Read more]