How to Recognize Repetitive Stress Injury

Only few people realize just how common the occurrence of repetitive stress injury, also called repetitive strain injury is. Other medical experts prefer to call the condition persistent stress illness since a specific muscle or part of the body is subjected to strain or stress that is caused by repeating the same motion or task over and over again. In time, the unnatural strain placed upon that muscle or body part causes injuries. In certain severe cases, conditions such as osteo-arthritis may even be indicated.

Just how do this repetitive stress injury develop?

Modern life requires that we move repetitively when performing certain tasks. Many people do not even realize that they are doing this and that they are putting their health at risk. Just think about people that are on the phone all day; they hold the telephone in a certain way and the punch the keypad in a certain way, over and over again until the body protests by means of pain and discomfort. Computer users are notorious for developing repetitive stress injury because they become used to using their keyboards and other accessories in a certain way. Poor posture also plays a large role. The first step towards a healthier body is therefore to become aware of actions that are repeated often and in an identical way. It may be worthwhile to chance work habits and to perform simple exercises that will help the afflicted parts of the body to relax. The important thing is, however, to recognize and accept the fact that the body may be vulnerable to repeated stress injury and to take steps to avoid the condition.

How To Recognize Repetitive Stress Injury

When any part of the body needs energy in order to perform movement, glycogen is supplied. The energy thus provided enable to various parts of the body to perform at their optimum levels. It is when certain parts of the body are required to perform fast, repetitive movements without respite that a problem can occur because there is simply no time to produce the glycogen that is necessary for optimal performance. Reduced levels of glycogen in turn weaken the body and over a longer term permanent damage can be caused.

Repetitive stress injury often becomes most pronounced with the soft tissues of the body. Parts such as the hands, arms finger pads and even the feet are very vulnerable and therefore often the first to show signs of this condition. It would be wrong to conclude that it is only people that sit at a desk all day that are prone to repetitive stress injury. A great many jobs and activities involve repetitive movements that can cause repetitive stress injury. Just think about musicians, artists, many different types of sportspeople, massage practitioners and many other people doing the same thing over and over again without even thinking about it. The list simply goes on and on.

How can one determine whether there is a danger of repetitive stress injury?

There are certain signs and symptoms that should serve as danger signals. Many sufferers report pins and needles in the extremities of their limbs, or even a feeling of numbness. A loss of feeling at the extremity of the fingers and toes may also be an indication and some patients report a cold feeling in the affected areas of their bodies. If these symptoms are present, it is recommended to obtain the advice of a medical doctor who will most probably prescribe some form of anti-inflammatory medication. It is also important to ensure that the afflicted areas are properly rested. We hope that this article has provided you more information about recognizing repetitive stress injury.

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